“Paprocany” Recreational Centre


General overview

  • For kids
  • Firms 3+
The lake in Paprocany village was formed in 1796, as an artificial water reservoir for Paprocany steelworks. The level of nearby Gostynka River did not ensure continuous level of water required to drive machinery in the Duke’s steelworks. The reservoir was fenced and inaccessible for outsiders. The Duke of Pszczyna had a fish farm there. The fish were caught alive during a full moon in October. Many species of fish live there also today – tench, carp, pike, perch, eel, roach, crucian, catfish, bream. The neighbourhood of the lake, with the Pszczyna forest creates a unique and beautiful place, vibrant with life of many species of rare fauna, among others the grey heron, black-headed gull or mute swan. However, Paprocany also is vibrant with life of the inhabitants of Tychy – it is a favourite place for leisure for them. The beach, playgrounds, events and sports centres, concerts, fairs and, lately, also a lovely promenade, attract inhabitants and guests each time of the year.


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